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In keeping with our core values and desire to fulfill the Great Commission both locally and abroad, we are involved in the following ministries:

Local Ministies

Click the links associated with the ministry below to visit their website where available.

Helping Hands

In Georgetown and Andrews, VCF supports this ministry that helps those who need a helping hand in the community. This ministry provides clothes, food, utility assistance, dental care, and help finding employment.

Adult & Teen Challenge

VCF supports this ministry that helps people recover from addiction.

Springs of Hope

VCF supports this ministry in Georgetown that helps people heal - body, soul, and spirit.

Campus Crusade For Christ

VCF supports this ministry of Ed and April Hetzel in New York that brings the Gospel to students on campus. and

Ministries Abroad


This ministry spreads the Gospel to the people of Cuba through church planting, leadership training and evangelism.


This ministry supports CMJ or Church Ministry Among Jewish People. Their mission is to equip local congregations to share the transforming love of Messiah Jesus with their Jewish friends and neighbors.

Freedom Quest International

Bob and Kelly are the founders of Freedom Quest International ministry. They lived in S.E. Asia for 15 years as missionaries and have taught in over 19 countries. They are also ordained through EFI.


Bob and Melissa Hill minister to young women rescued from trafficking. They provide a place to stay, training, and support to successfully enter back into society. They are part of Globe International Ministries.

Southeast Asia

McLean and Colleen Hawthorne minister to and train pastors and leaders in Southeast Asia. They are a part of Globe International Ministries.


Lowell and Kathy Smith are part of the Independent Church of India that brings the Gospel to the people of India. They equip believers, aid orphanages, have a leprosy outreach, and so much more.


Michael and Naomi Phillips minister to those in Chiang Kham, Thailand.


Under the auspices of EFI and Hinmer and Katia Zuniga; Pastor Rod has a yearly training session in the state of Chiapas. These training sessions are to educate pastors and their leaders to reach Mexico and build healthy churches.

Evangel Fellowship International

Is a fellowship of churches that work together to fulfill the Great Commission through evangelism and planting churches worldwide. The mission of EFI is relational connection for Global impact. In addition, EFI is the local covering for VCF and Pastor Rod.




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